Need to search the web (was: An unsolicited message on my Rev address)

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Mon Dec 5 23:08:16 EST 2005

Hi Kay,

Le 6 déc. 05 à 05:03, Kay C Lan a écrit :

> I'll go back and add a third button, 'More Info', so from the  
> answer dialog
> I can activate your function.

Glad to help you.
But it's not *my* function: the main work is due to Jim Ault.
Thanks to him :-)

Best Regards from Paris,

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch

Free plugins and tutorials on my website
Web site
Email        eric.chatonet at
Phone        33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
Mobile        33 (0)6 20 74 50 86

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