Visual Programming, mTropolis, Chipwits and Revolution

Janus Jakaterina nuzoo2 at
Sat Dec 3 19:47:51 EST 2005


Alice is good, but you are right that it is PC only.

I think PC users can play a virtual game of ChipWits

RobotProg: program a virtual robot with a flowchart

--- Greg Smith <brucegregory at> wrote:

> That reminds me of another one, but PC only:  Alice,
> from Carnegie 
> Mellon University.  It looks full of potential, to
> me, but I can't 
> figure out how to get animated 3D characters into it
> without owning a 
> copy of Maya or Max.  You could, however, always use
> sprites made from 
> 3D animated characters and paste them onto
> billboards, I suppose.  What 
> is nice about Alice is that it is drag and drop
> programming in the 
> fashion and order of real programming, minus the
> requirement of syntax 
> awareness and mastery.  Once your game is complete,
> you can generate an 
> actual Python code representation of it. Still,
> everything seems to keep 
> dragging people back to those horrid programming
> languages that make 
> brains ache and stomachs bleed.
> Take a look at Alice:
> Greg Smith
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