Times Change.... and often for the better

Charles Hartman charles.hartman at conncoll.edu
Fri Dec 2 22:52:55 EST 2005

Just raising my hand here as Civilian Who Wouldn't Be Using Rev If I  
Couldn't Do It For Under $100 (since it's my own non-amortizable  
money). It can make sense for Rev not to want me, but it makes a  
different kind of sense for Rev to swallow its pride & take me on.  
Who knows what might result?

It might be useful not to forget the similar-but-different model  
offered by systems like Python-plus-wxPython (or other widget-making  
libraries). Go that way or don't, but don't ignore that set of  
possibilities. I came over to Rev purely because I had to port an old  
Hypercard tutorial and couldn't face building all the click-here-and- 
show-that-there stuff with wxWidgets. Now it's got my thinking about  
kinds of apps with similar ratios of interface to innards, which I  
wouldn't have tackled otherwise. So that's a path, anyway.

Particularly since making things in the very general category of  
tutorials is a task at which Rev unmistakably excels.


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