Revolution is not Tablet PC compliant [bugzilla #]

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Fri Dec 2 15:01:13 EST 2005

Walton, et al:

>Please post your bugzilla  (
> ) number when you have it.

Tablet PC compliance is bugzilla #3252, and has five votes from moi.

>I agree that Rev seems unique in not supporting the tablet very well, and
>that tablets and Rev should have a rich future.

Yes, the potential is there.  Hopefully script-to-text & 
speech-to-text input can be gracefully supported--I can deal with 
screen orientation in resizeStack handlers; but this has to come from 
within RunRev.

Rob Cozens, CCW
Serendipity Software Company

Vive R Revolution!  

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