How to Disable the Preference and About Box Items

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Thu Dec 1 19:46:14 EST 2005

David Burgun wrote:
> Hi,
> Yes, but this isn't an Apple/Mac problem. I don't care if the preference 
> menu is enabled or disabled, but I want it's visible status to reflect 
> it's state, which is not what happens. I disable then Edit Menu, but the 
> preferences item remains enabled, BUT it won't generate a menuPick event.
> This effectively mean that you cannot disable the edit or help menu's 
> under MacOS X!
> This is a result if how the menu's are handled under RunRev, if they 
> were not moved from the edit menu into the applications menu, this 
> wouldn't happen.
> The answer to it would be to handle the menu items Prefs and About 
> differently in RunRev.
> I can't think of any work around for it either!

You can partially work around it:

   repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in menu "Edit" - 2
     set the enabled of line x of menu "edit" to false
   end repeat

I'm still thinking about how to dim the menu title itself. Might be a 
case for Bugzilla.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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