problem waiting - spellchecker

Chipp Walters chipp at
Tue Aug 30 00:56:15 EDT 2005

did you try:

wait with messages until checkdone?

MisterX wrote:
> Hi everyone
> im working on this spellchecker (too) in a palette form. It should be able
> to work in any stack... Dictionary is ready, so is the SpellChecker's GUI.
> While everything is nearly ready, the stack makes a loop to parse all words
> and check each word and waits for a user input to decide what happens to
> each unknown word - as expected. but...
> Now, the problem is that once a word is detected as unknown, the loop must
> wait for the user to hit the buttons "learn, skip, ignore, etc..."
> so it goes like this
> for each word w in thistext 
>   if w is not in dictionary then
>     put w into field unknown
>     put suggestions(w) into field suggestions
>     wait until checkdone
>   end if
> The skip, continue, etc, buttons contain their functions or change a global
> parameter that tell the parser to continue or skip, etc... And at the end,
> each button script contains "checkdone".
> But while this seemed too simple and easy, it didn't work. 
> The loop gets stuck waiting blocking the gui completly... Clicking on a
> button with the CheckDone caller doesnt work either. Wait just blocks
> everything... Control-C is the only way to stop it.
> I tried also
> wait until the mouse is up/down - it works a bit better but... this gets
> complicated, checking all the targets, and unlike a normal word processor,
> all the applications are still blocked waiting... There must be an easier
> way...
> So any suggestions on how to handle this in an "idle" way are welcome. 
> - I dont want to block the GUI 
> - The user should be able to edit anything (the correctedtext for example)
> meanwhile (put the check in the bg).
> - when i pause the loop, any button should be able to work... 
> - how do you resume a loop in this case?
> im thinking of using a parametrable loop that stops at each unknown word
> remembering in it's parameters what word that was... Each palette button
> (skip, fix, learn, etc) will do it's job and relaunch the spellcheck loop
> which will continue at the next word... 
> But solution 1 was so simple...
> Does anyone have a better suggestion?

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