set rect of fld f1 of cd c1 of wd w1 to rect of fld f2 of cd c2 of wd w2

Stephen Barncard stephenREVOLUTION at
Fri Aug 26 14:05:50 EDT 2005

Don't like that. Looks like APL to me. A major point of Transcript is 
to be easily HUMAN readable. Consider a rotten apple thrown.

>A Modest Proposal:
>How about if we eliminate both and enforce just a single-character
>typing convention for objects and numeric values only for object
>identification? That way "field 3 of card 7" would come out to "f3c7"
>for a minimum of typing. The engine's parser would, of course,
>separate these into separate tokens "f 3 c 7" and be quite happy.
>Developers would have to type just four characters and the code would
>be much more readable because there's just one way to describe an
>object instead of two. The engine's parser would also run faster
>because it wouldn't have to discriminate between two different forms
>of object description.
>-Mark Wieder

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