label : set a string as the label of a label

Klaus Major klaus at
Fri Aug 26 07:37:45 EDT 2005

Hi Adrian and all,

> Hi Adrian
>> Friday, August 26, 2005 1:08:22 PM (GMT +02:00)
>> Hi,
>> how do I set a string as a label of a label?
>> 10x
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"
> set the label of fld "your label field here" to "New label"

this is 10 times rubbish :-)

Sorry, but i mixed fields with buttons, which can have labels...

Fields do NOT have a label property.

Simply write:

put "New label text here..." into fld "your label field here"

I'm getting old...


Klaus Major
klaus at

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