Installers for Mac / Linux?

Derek Bump webmaster at
Thu Aug 25 22:07:11 EDT 2005

Scott Kane wrote:
> Yes.   I've used Jordans' installer on Win since version
> one beta.  It's excellent and the ISTool that goes with
> it is superb.  But it won't help on the Mac and *nix side
> of things...  :-)

This is true.  I think 1 question has to be answered though.  Does your 
program on the Mac and Unix side require itself to be installed?

Let me use an example.  I had to create an installer for JPEGCompress so 
it can create the necessary icons in the Quick Launch bar, the Desktop, 
and the Program Groups.  Also, on Windows it is common that an 
Uninstaller be included.

However, on the Mac side, it's really not that necessary because 
traditionally Mac programs were contained within 1 folder.  To remove 
the program you simply drag the folder to the trash, empty it, then it's 

So if you are looking for something to create a single, multi-platform 
installer, then you are probably out of luck.

My suggestion would be to follow what is traditional for the platform. 
A setup from for Windows.  A DMG for MacOS X.  And a gzip file (or 
whatever is used) for Unix.

Or, if your program is being distributed on CD, create your own installer!

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Images Easily with JPEGCompress

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