Rev On Top?

Peter Reid preid at
Thu Aug 25 15:54:48 EDT 2005

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions.  Here's what I've found:

1) If you use the SystemWindow property, then the Rev window stays on 
top at all times, it doesn't just pop to the top - this was too much 
for my particular purpose on this occasion.

2) Using AppleScript, you can tell an application such as FileMaker 
Pro to hide itself:

   tell application "Finder"
	set visible of application process "FileMaker" to false
   end tell

3) Using AppleScript, you can tell an application to activate itself 
and come to the top at this moment (but not permanently):

   tell application "MyApp"
   end tell

I found the best result was obtained by using both solutions 2) and 
3) above, i.e. tell FileMaker Pro to hide itself and then tell my Rev 
app to pop to the top so it came in front of any open Finder windows. 
If I only hide FMPro, then I find my Rev app can be behind Finder 
windows.  If I only bring my app to the top, there's a chance that 
the FMPro windows can still appear in front!

Thanks again.

Peter Reid
Reid-IT Limited, Loughborough, Leics., UK
Tel: +44 (0)1509 268843 Fax: +44 (0)8700 527576
E-mail: preid at
         preid at

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