Revolution Compatible Registration Tool

Scott Kane scott at
Tue Aug 23 01:07:52 EDT 2005

> You're one of the moderators there?  So cool!

Yep.  I was the first one.  Kathy is now my co-mod.
Works well as we are in two time zones.
> Folks, he's being modest:  for small software development shops like 
> most of us have, those newsgroups are the most valuable 
> things in Usenet.

Actually - there's an internet trade association you
might be interested in.  I was one of the first members.
It's the "Association of Independent Software Industry Professionals".
or AISIP for short.

It's a modest fee (under US$25 a year if I remember right) and features
several *private* newsgroups where things like marketing, technical
details and industry news.  URL is:
While shareware members exist it is not aimed at shareware marketers,
but at anybody distributing software online or offering services
and resources to software developers.  Fantastic atmosphere and
very mature content (it's post moderated to make sure things stay
nice and pleasant).  There are more threads than I can count and
it's more active than the public groups on Usenet.  N.B.  I'm
just a happy subscriber - I make no money or gain any kudos from
recommending it.

If you look at the members page it reads like the who's who of
the online software distribution industry.

Scott Kane

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