Newbie questions

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Wed Aug 17 19:06:00 EDT 2005

>Hi Everyone
>I'm in the middle of converting several HyperCard stacks into DreamCard.
>Question 1:
>Since I often go from stack to stack gathering and distributing data I need
>to close and save each stack when I'm finished with it. HyperCard does this
>automatically as we know. How is this done in Revolution?

Hi Joe,

Aside from Ken's worthy comment, another way to go, depending on how 
you use your stacks --

Sometimes it makes a sense to add to a script the line/s --

save stack "whatever"

--with or without--

close stack "whatever"

If it's a suitable script, you probably won't lose data simply 
because you forgot to save, or failed to save before a spontaneous 
quit due to an application migraine. A script like this saves when 
you need to, like only when you make a data change in a stack, 
without saving too often or too seldom, like with an auto-save stack.



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