Looking for suggestions/advice

Stephen Barncard stephenonlinesales at barncard.com
Thu Aug 11 13:31:55 EDT 2005

>But, short of that, does anyone have any other suggestions?

Yes, by all means write an interpreter! It's not that hard and fun 
too, with no script limits. I did this in Hypercard once. I needed to 
munge huge text files for translation between databases, so I created 
an 'action processor' with a simple language that could save its code 
as a resource in the stack.

Just make it human-readable, and you can even use some of the 
'forbidden words' used for Transcript. Most of your 'interpreter' is 
going to consist of CASE or IF-THEN statements.  You're going to need 
some time brainstorming the structure --but are basically just 
redirecting your new commands to rev handlers. Error checking and 
validation is up to you. And of course since you're writing it, it's 
extensible at all times.

This also has added security, as you completely control what happens 
in your world, as opposed to using the rev script system - and 
message path - to interpret your scripts.

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