Looking for suggestions/advice
Marielle Lange
rp011s7075 at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Aug 13 09:05:55 EDT 2005
> <http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Development-Cycles/Learning-About-
> the-Graph-
> Construct-using-Games-Part-1/>
Thanks for the link, Xavier. I added it to :
A page in the revolution wiki on graph drawing techniques.
>> That isn't to say that I
>> would be reluctant to add new functionality to existing
>> commands. As long as new arguments are optional, it wouldn't
>> break existing functionality. I think it is easier for
>> non-programmers to understand a greater number of simple
>> commands than a small number of complex commands.
> TAOO, my working environment and framework in Rev or MC is just
> like that too but distributed over a growing dozen of "object" class
> stacks each with the object's verbs... There's some 200-600KB of
> scripts available any time for any taoo component. I dont event
> have to look at any script reference ever since it's so obvious
> to listObjects, findFile, relatekeywords, etc...
> No, thank you, Dan and Marielle wanted a clear example of how taoo
> works, and i just can't find the words or a way to make a simpler
> example... This helped quite a bit...
The issue is not to get a concrete example of *what* your xos can do.
The issue is to understand *HOW* your xos does it.
What I am trying to understand is whether the approach you take is
useful for any person other than you. I have understood that anything
can be done. Exactly the same way that about anything can be created
using html, , laslzo, xul, flex, halo, c++, c, perl, python, etc.
etc. etc. etc.). What would make the value of your xos system is not
what it can potentially do... it is how cleverly component
composition works in your XOS architecture.
Yes, Xavier tends to use the outdated name of object-orientation. But
what xos is a lot more in line with an infrastructure for rapid
widget creation or rapid software composition. A lot of persons seem
to be interested in these issues on the list. That's no surprise,
revolution has a fantastic potential. What I am personally interested
in is exploring the possibility to have an online library of handlers
and calling to them or integrating them on the fly could really speed
up software development.
put url ("file:" & tfile) into thandler
do thandler
Call could be made to handlers in a central archive. This wouldn't be
infringing the revolution license in any way because due to the 10
scripts limit, this would be possible only with a revolution license.
To transform it into a standalone, something would be needed to
transform call to handlers stored as text files (or stack or
whatever) as content of the script.
The problem then is to come up with an excellent model of software
composition. This takes a lot of work. So, thanks Xavier for all the
hard work.
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