Recording Sound on the Mac

Sivakatirswami katir at
Sat Aug 13 01:51:37 EDT 2005

Is anyone successfuly recording sound on the mac in Rev? using a USB  
input Mic? or the mac mic input and if so, what mic are you using?  
And... anyone using Griffins mic plug to USB adaptor successfully?  
Does it *really* take in put from a high-quality mic and put it  
through the USB successfully with fidelity

Several anomalies:

1) run "answer record" in the msg box. under the Mac pull down  
"Compressor" you will see a list of codecs. 11 total

2) run "put the recordcompressiontypes"  we get 17 total

No compression,raw
QDesign Music 2,QDM2
Qualcomm PureVoice™,Qclp
Apple Lossless,alac
ALaw 2:1,alaw
32-bit Floating Point,fl32
64-bit Floating Point,fl64
IMA 4:1,ima4
24-bit Integer,in24
32-bit Integer,in32
MPEG-4 Audio,mp4a
AMR Narrowband,samr
16-bit Little Endian,sowt
16-bit Big Endian,twos
µLaw 2:1,ulaw

3) I'm using a Telex USB Audio Device Head Set with iListen from  
MacSpeech (wonderful tool!)

and inside iListen I get great feedback recording...

But, I am unable to set anything up from inside revolution that does  
it right... I just get screeches and hisses..horrible sounds from the  

4)  set the recordInput to "dflt"  should in theory take the input  
from the setting in the sound prefs of the system... which is set to  
"Telex.... USB" but the Rev Doc do not indicate that USB is one of  
the input options... so, question, if USB is not one of the options,  
should "dflt"still work?

Here's my handler in a button that toggles recording on and off.

  I am unable to find any combination that works. If someone already  
has this working, I would like to have two settings: one high quality  
and one best compression (but still decent sound).
on mouseUp

   set the recordRate to 22.050 --the uSampleRate of me
   set the recordChannels to 1 --the uRecordChannels of me
   set the recordSamplesize to 8 --the uSampleSize of me
   set the recordFormat to "mp4a" --the uRecordFormat of me

   if fld  "soundFileName" is empty then
     answer "You need to set a sound file name." with "OK"
     exit  mouseup
   end  if

   if the short name of me = "Record" then
     set the recordInput to "dflt"

     put "Your are about to record " & quote & fld "soundFilename" &  
quote & ". Please confirm. If a file exists with this name it  will  
be overwrittten." into tMsg
     answer tMsg with "Cancel" or  "OK"
     if it is  "OK" then
       show img "recording.gif" with visual effect dissolve very fast
       set the repeatCount of image "recording.gif" to -1

       set the name of me to "Stop Recording"
       put fld "localPath" of cd 1 of stack "prefs" & "/"  & fld  
"soundFilename" into tSoundFile
       record sound file tSoundFile

   ## result if play back: a file of loud continuous electronic  

       hide img "recording.gif" with visual effect dissolve very fast
       exit mouseup
     end if

     stop recording
     set the name of me to "Record"
     hide img "recording.gif" with visual effect dissolve very fast

   end if

end mouseUp

Any insights-experience appreciated.


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