Looking for suggestions/advice

Rodney Somerstein rodneys at io.com
Fri Aug 12 16:00:59 EDT 2005

Thanks for all of the ideas, Xavier. This is exactly the kind of 
thing I was looking for. As I mentioned previously, I don't have a 
formal computer science background. I have read enough so that I am 
at least vaguely familiar with lots of different things which is why 
I figured that there are probably better ways to accomplish things.

I would love to take a look at the stack you mentioned for the BotWar 
game. I suspect that I can mine it for techniques.

 From other ideas that you mentioned, I have been thinking along the 
ideas of more of what you call verbobject handlers so that each 
command isn't quite as large. It just seems that command scripts 
would become really cumbersome to maintain and modify if they get too 
large. That isn't to say that I would be reluctant to add new 
functionality to existing commands. As long as new arguments are 
optional, it wouldn't break existing functionality. I think it is 
easier for non-programmers to understand a greater number of simple 
commands than a small number of complex commands.

As for your references to dynamic scripts and associative arrays, are 
there any pointers you can give me to learn more about these 
techniques as they would apply to Rev?

Also, what specifically do you mean by a pro-active selective bot 
editor? Is this just an editor that knows about the commands and 
helps the user with command completion or choosing the commands from 
menus so that it can prompt the user for the specific arguments 

Thank you for your help,


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