Why can't I send tabKey?

Ken Ray kray at sonsothunder.com
Thu Aug 11 13:30:46 EDT 2005

On 8/11/05 11:46 AM, "Dan Shafer" <revdan at danshafer.com> wrote:

> Ken....
> While "type tabKey" doesn't generate an error, it also doesn't do
> what I think it should.

Whoop! My bad... it should be "type tab", not "type tabkey".

Keep in mind that the first focusable object on the card will already become
active when the card opens, so typing "tab" may actually go to the *second*
field. For example, I made a sample stack with three fields and using the

on openCard
  type tab
end openCard

And when it opened, the focus was in the second field. If I didn't put any
script, the focus was in the first field.

Better advice would be to use the focus command (like "focus field 1") or
something, I would think.

Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com

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