Selecting a field in a List Field

Thu Aug 11 09:20:37 EDT 2005

Hello everyone,
I'm a very beginner with Revolution and I want to do the following :
>From a List Field, when I click on a field, another List Field replaces
the first one

I want to do something like this 
"Home" List field :
	1 GoTo menu 1
	2 GoTo menu 2
	3 GoTo menu 3

If I click on 'GoTo menu 2' :
Another List Field replaces the "Home" Field List.

Can someone help me and give me some tips ?
I tried to compare (on Mouse Down) using SelectedLine() : but I need to
compare with "line X of item 1"
How do you replace a FieldList by another ?

Thanks a lot.
Alexandre Machado 


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