Repeat until (0r "while") not working

Sivakatirswami katir at
Tue Aug 9 21:17:47 EDT 2005

I'm missing something very simple here,

Goal: delete empty lines beginning and end of text chunk


put fld "transcript" into tFinalTranscript

# clean up extra lines at beginning and end

repeat while ((line 1 of tFinalTranscript) is empty)
   delete line 1 of tFinalTranscript
end repeat

repeat until ((the last line of tFinalTranscript) is not empty)
   delete the last line of  tFinalTranscript
end repeat

put tFinalTranscript
exit to top
It still has all the empty lines top and bottom. If I globalize the  
temp variable for a bit, then test the field or the variable from the  
msg box:

"line 1 of tFinalTranscript is empty"  returns true
"the last line of fld "transcript" is empty" returns true

But these handlers are not deleting the blank lines as expected..  
what am I doing wrong? I don't think I need all those parentheses...  
only added to try to get it to work... still doesn't


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