two more noob questions re "find" command

Timothy Miller gandalf at
Tue Aug 9 17:16:07 EDT 2005

Thank you for your kind reply, Ken. I understand you didn't mean it 
as I heard it. It's a constant danger with email, especially on lists 
and newsgroups.

I admit I was defensive. It still seems like I am the only amateur 
do-it-yourself end user on the list. It's easy to be defensive, in 
that position, though that's no excuse. I also admit I'm prone to 
absent minded scripting errors. I still wonder if Dreamcard is 
intended for people like me, and, if it is, if the intention is 

Regarding the single-line message box command, I was trying to 
enhance the "find" script that Sarah generously posted for my 
benefit. It uses the single-line message box.

Thanks to your helpful comments, I think I can now write a simple 
utility stack -- possibly modal -- that offers the user, i.e., me, a 
variety of easy-to-use and fast "find" options for stack underneath 
it in the stacks. The native command-F find and replace feature is 
way too slow for some of my larger stacks with many fields per card.

Best regards,


>On 8/9/05 1:56 PM, "Timothy Miller" <gandalf at> wrote:
>>  Hi Ken,
>>>  On 8/8/05 7:14 PM, "Timothy Miller" 
>>><gandalf at> wrote:
>>>>   Hi,
>>>>   1--If I use the "find" command in the single-line message box, is
>>>>   there any way to get the foundchunk? How?
>>>  get the foundChunk
>>>  :-)
>>  Well, thanks, you did try to help, and sent a smiley too.
>>  I knew that. Typing "put the foundchunk" into the single-line message
>>  box would be nearly pointless, except maybe under unusual
>>  circumstances.
>Sorry, I misread what you were trying to do (I thought you were trying to do
>this in a script). Actually you can probably get what you want by executing
>multiple statements in the message box, separated by a semicolon like:
>   find "Hello" in field 1;put the foundChunk
>and then you should see what the foundChunk returned.
>>>  Look in the Dictionary under "find" and all your questions will
>>>  be answered.
>>  That is not exactly helpful advice. I am not happy with the
>>  implication that I use this group as a substitute for the
>>  documentation. The following smiley didn't soften your remark
>>  effectively.
>That wasn't the implication, Tim, and I'm sorry if you took it that way. It
>was just that I found myself starting to type the documentation to the find
>command in my email response, and thought it would be easier to just point
>to it.
>>  Take a look at the subject line. If you don't like dumb noob
>>  questions, don't answer them.
>Whoa! Tim, if you've been watching my posts, you'll see that I have
>*absolutely no problem* answering noob questions; in fact, I try to help out
>wherever I can for *anyone* who has questions related to Transcript or Rev.
>>  Have a nice day anyway. You probably didn't mean it quite the way 
>>it sounded.
>I'm sorry you took my response as being flip or offensive in any way - it
>wasn't my intention. I know the docs are sometime difficult to work with or
>find things (believe me, I still have trouble finding stuff), so my
>assumption was not that you hadn't checked the docs, but that you *had*
>checked it and not found what you were looking for.
>Regardless, I'll re-read my posts in the future and make sure I've really
>responded to the actual question posted.
>Ken Ray
>Sons of Thunder Software
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