[Semi-OT] Interesting article

Trevor DeVore lists at mangomultimedia.com
Mon Aug 8 18:03:00 EDT 2005

On Aug 8, 2005, at 1:47 PM, Peter T. Evensen wrote:

> What I don't understand is why is Laszlo and Flex better than using  
> Flash?  Flash lets you lay things out graphically. Flex and Laszlo  
> are text descriptions that are compiled into flash.  To me, it is  
> easier to layout a screen than to try to describe it in text.

OpenLaszlo is a powerful framework for developing applications using  
the SWF format.  My impression was that it is a robust framework that  
allows the developer to focus on their web app logic and let the  
Laszlo framework handle the presentation.

Take a look at their ten minute demo (which is quite good) for more  


It seemed to me that the philosophy of the Laszlo people at their  
presentation was this:  web app developers spend most of their time  
writing code and not much time in the Flash GUI and most of them have  
a preferred text editor.  Their framework takes care of a lot of the  
transition animation and other niceties that the developer might want  
so it is pretty straightforward to just code these things in.

Trevor DeVore
Blue Mango Multimedia
trevor at mangomultimedia.com

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