Weird OS9 runtime problem->losing database connection

Ton Kuypers tkuypers at
Mon Aug 1 15:04:54 EDT 2005

What's going on, what am I missing here?

I've created a database frontend which needs to run on Windows, 2000  
WIndows XP, Mac OS9 and Mac OS-X.
All run perfect except the Mac OS9 version...

I have a splash screen with some minor scripts in the preopenstack  
and startup handlers. In the on opencard script I load some  
parameters and call a script in another stack. (All basic SQL- 
generating scripts are located in that stack, all in buttons, so it's  
very easy to manage and edit them. I use properties in the stack to  
pass parameters around and maintain parameters per session.)
The script I need to run is in the mouseup handler of button  
I use the "revOpenDatabase" command with all parameters and the  
result is a number, the connection ID.

When there is no error in connecting to the mySQL database, I  
continue to the "Login" substack so a user can enter its username and  
Hitting the enter button should then set a property of the stack  
with  the name & password and send a mousup to a second button, which  
checks if the user may or may not login.

The first part (getting the connection ID works fine on OS9, but when  
I'm in the second script, the "revOpenDatabases()" return empty and I  
get the error "revdberr, invalid connection id", so nothing works :-((

When running it inside revolution on OS9 it's OK, so are all other  
runtimes, just the OS9 runtime doesn't work.

Anybody any suggestions?


Ton Kuypers

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