Working with animated gifs

Jeanne A. E. DeVoto revolution at
Sat Apr 30 18:08:09 EDT 2005

At 9:42 AM -0400 4/26/05, Glen Bojsza wrote:
>I was wondering if there are some general guidelines on how to use
>animated gifs in Rev on the XP platform?
>Turning the animation on and off would be my first question. I
>understand that I can set the repeat and direction properties in the
>property inspector and that actually shows the animation but how do
>you do it at the script level?

Check out these properties: repeatCount, currentFrame, frameCount, 
and palindromeFrames.

To start the loop, set the repeatCount of the image to the number of 
repeats you want, or to -1 (to keep repeating indefinitely):

   set the repeatCount of image "My Animation" to 1 -- does 1 repeat
   set the repeatCount of image "My Animation" to -1 -- infinite loop

To stop the loop, set the repeatCount of the image to zero. The image 
will keep displaying the frame it was on when you stopped it, so if 
you want to display the first frame, set the currentFrame to 1. To 
display the last frame, set the currentFrame to the image's 

   set  the repeatCount of image "My Animation" to 0 -- stops repeating
   set the currentFrame of image "My Animation" to 1 -- displays first frame
   set the currentFrame of image "My Animation" \
        to (the frameCount of image "My Animation") -- displays last frame

jeanne a. e. devoto ~ revolution at

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