I hate mousedown

Lynch, Jonathan bnz2 at cdc.gov
Wed Apr 27 16:39:57 EDT 2005

Ok - I got it to work, but it is a little tricky.

These scripts go in the buttons:

On mousedown
  Set the dragdata to "yo mama"
End mousedown

On dragenter
  Set the acceptdrop to true
  Pass dragenter
End dragenter

These scripts go in the stack:

on dragenter
  if the dragdata = "yo mama" then
    set the label of the target to "over"
  end if
end dragenter

on dragleave
  if word 1 of the name of the target = "button" then
    set the label of the target to "not over"
  end if
end dragleave

on dragdrop
  set the dragdata to empty
end dragdrop

You may have to play with it a bit, depending on what you want the
labels to say, and which cursor you want to use at various steps along
the way. It should all be quite doable though.

Good luck,


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