Making Revolution faster with really big arrays

Rob Cozens rcozens at
Wed Apr 27 10:46:30 EDT 2005

Hi Dennis,

Here's an approach that uses keyed arrays.  Run time on an old iMac 
with 320 MB RAM and a 400 Mhz clock is 7.2 seconds.

on mouseUp
   global gTestArrayX,gTestArrayY
   if gTestArray is empty then
     repeat with i = 1 to 1000
       repeat with j = 1 to 1000
         put j into gTestArrayX[x,y]
       end repeat
     end repeat
     put gTestArrayX into gTestArrayY
   end if
   put the long seconds into startTime
   get the long seconds
   answer "Elapsed time ="&&(it-startTime)&&"seconds."
end mouseUp

on Method5 -- Add lines using keyed arrays
   global gTestArrayX,gTestArrayY
   put 0 into theTotal
   repeat with i = 1 to 1000
     repeat with j = 1 to 1000
       add gTestArrayX[x,y]to theTotal
       add gTestArrayY[x,y]to theTotal
     end repeat
   end repeat
   put theTotal&&"Keyed Method"
end Method5
Rob Cozens, Staff Conservator
Mendonoma Marine Life Conservancy
P.O. Box 217
Manchester, CA 95459-0217
(707) 895-2584

"Promoting a healthy and bountiful offshore environment."

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