Making Revolution faster with really big arrays
Dennis Brown
see3d at
Tue Apr 26 20:06:22 EDT 2005
On Apr 14, 2005, at 10:09 AM, Dennis Brown wrote:
> Dick,
> Thanks for your various tips and help online and offline. I need to
> take a week to digest and incorporate the ideas into a real piece of
> code that I hope will fly like the wind --then I will share my code
> and a data generator for you and everyone else to see and rip to
> shreds ;-)
> Thanks again,
> Dennis
I have been studying methods of making things go faster with the
numeric processing of big arrays during the last couple of weeks (while
I have been writing a lot of actually useful processing scripts).
However, I thought I should provide some simplified scripts to make it
easier to separate out the essential factors that I have learned so
The first thing I have found is that accessing the array elements with
the repeat for each is very fast, but does not allow for accessing more
than one array at a time. This is a shame and should be corrected by
adding or modifying some Transcript operators.
The second thing I have found is that if you want to do just a few
mathematical operations, the times really start adding up quickly. Do
a few adds, rounds, etc. and accessing the data is not the worst of the
bottlenecks. I used to have a rule of thumb that a P code compiler
runs 16 times slower than a machine code compiler, and an interpreter
was 256 times as slow for number crunching. Transcript seems to be 128
times as slow. Not as optimized as I would have hoped for. All my
large array stuff runs about 4 times slower than I had hoped, but it is
within the realm that I can make it work for me --with a bit of doing
things in more complicated ways than I would like and taking a lot more
time with work arounds.
Here are the scripts I came up with for adding each element of a 1000
line by 1000 item text array to each other. I know there are much
faster ways of doing this particular operation, but I wanted to use it
as a simplified example of accessing parallel elements in two (or more)
arrays at the same time to see how fast different methods would be.
Method1: 1.7 s =1x
This is how fast Rev would be if it had the proper Transcript support
for doing this along the lines of a repeat for each.
Method2a: 10.8 s = 6.35x
This is using a repeat for each on one array and a character pointer on
the other array
Method2b: 18 s =10.6x
This is using a repeat for each on one array and simulating the code
for new Transcript functions/commands for sequential access
Method3: 7.9 s =4.6x
This is using a repeat for each on one array and the split command to
access the other array as an indexed array
Method4: 12.6 s =7.4x
This is using the split command on both arrays and accessing each as an
indexed array
Can anyone think of another way to do this that would be faster (for
accessing parallel arrays, not the trivial adding them together
operation I am doing here). Of course the times are for my machine and
will vary on yours, but the time relative to Method1 should be noted.
If you can figure out how to make my examples run faster, I will also
learn more about this problem.
global gTestArrayX,gTestArrayY
--put the following lines into the menu items of a menu button
--put the following into the script of the button
on menuPick x
put the long seconds into s
send x to me
put space & (the long seconds -s) after msg
end menuPick
on Init --create two test string arrays 1000x1000 numbers
put empty into gTestArrayX
put empty into gTestArrayY
repeat with i=1 to 1000
repeat with j=1 to 1000
put j&comma after gTestArrayX
end repeat
put cr into last char of gTestArrayX
end repeat
put gTestArrayX into gTestArrayY
put "Init:"
end Init
on Method1 --just repeat for each on the two arrays as best case
reference timing (can't add them directly this way)
put 0 into total
repeat for each line n in gTestArrayX
repeat for each item x in n
add x to total
end repeat
end repeat
repeat for each line n in gTestArrayY
repeat for each item x in n
add x to total
end repeat
end repeat
put total&&"Reference(Method1):"
end Method1
on Method2a --Add lines in two text arrays using repeat for each and
sequential processing method
put 0 into total
put 1 into i --character index into gTestArrayY
repeat for each line n in gTestArrayX
repeat for each item x in n
put empty into itemY
repeat forever --get next item in gTestArrayY
get char i of gTestArrayY
add 1 to i
if (it=comma)or(it=cr)or(it=empty) then exit repeat
put it after itemY
end repeat
add itemY+x to total
end repeat
end repeat
put total&&"Sequential(Method2):"
end Method2a
on Method2b --Add lines in two text arrays using repeat for each and
simulated Rev sequential functions
put 0 into total
put 1 into i --character line index into gTestArrayY
repeat for each line n in gTestArrayX
--put nextLine(offset,string) This should be a primitive Rev
command or function
put empty into lineY
repeat forever --get next item in gTestArrayY
get char i of gTestArrayY
add 1 to i
if (it = cr)or(it=empty) then exit repeat
put it after lineY
end repeat
--end of nextLine(offset,string)
put 1 into j --character item index into lineY
repeat for each item x in n
--put nextItem(offset,string) This should be a primitive Rev
command or function
put empty into itemY
repeat forever --get next item in gTestArrayY
get char j of lineY
add 1 to j
if (it = comma)or(it = empty) then exit repeat
put it after itemY
end repeat
--end of nextItem(offset,string)
add itemY+x to total
end repeat
end repeat
put total&&"Sequential(Method2):"
end Method2b
on Method3 --Add lines in two text arrays using repeat for each and
split array processing method
put 0 into total
put gTestArrayY into y --I do not split the global directly, because
I don't want to destroy it
split y by cr
put 0 into lineCount
repeat for each line n in gTestArrayX
add 1 to lineCount
put y[lineCount] into m
split m by comma
put 0 into i
repeat for each item x in n
add 1 to i
add x+m[i] to total
end repeat
end repeat
put total&&"Split(Method3):"
end Method3
on Method4 --Add lines in two text arrays using split array only
processing method
put 0 into total
put gTestArrayX into n --I do not split the globals directly, because
I don't want to destroy them
put gTestArrayY into m
split n by cr
split m by cr
repeat with i=1 to 1000
put n[i] into x
put m[i] into y
split x by comma
split y by comma
repeat with j=1 to 1000
add x[j]+y[j] to total
end repeat
end repeat
put total&&"Split(Method4):"
end Method4
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