greater than

Chris Sheffield revlist at
Tue Apr 26 17:50:40 EDT 2005

Try removing the word "is".  Just use ">".  :-)

Chris Sheffield
Read Naturally
The Fluency Company

-----Original Message-----
From: use-revolution-bounces at
[mailto:use-revolution-bounces at] On Behalf Of Thomas McGrath
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 3:45 PM
To: How to use Revolution
Subject: greater than

Hello to all,

I put 3 into gSeqLength in an openCard handler:

  put 3 into gSeqLength

Then I want to do stuff in a switch statement based on gSeqNum, but not 
more than 3 if gSeqLength = 3, or 4 if 4 ,etc.
Anyway, the statement " if gSeqLength is > 3 then " generates a double 
binary error.
Now I know that gSeqLength is 3.

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong here. (I need gSeqNum as my 
switch and not gSeqLength)
I tried:
if gSeqLength is > 3 then
if gSeqLength is greater than 3 then
if gSeqlength is more than 3 then
if (gSeqLength is > 3) then
if gSeqLength is > "3" then

.....switch gSeqNum ........
	case 1     -- then go up one in gSeqNum
		-- do real important stuff here
     	  put 2 into gSeqNum
	case 2
		-- do different stuff here
		-- (if gSeqLength is more than 3 then I don't want to make
gSeqNum a 
three since I have 0,1,2 already)
     	if gSeqLength is more than "3" then
      		 put 3 into gSeqNum
    		 end if
  	case 3
     	if gSeqLength is > 4 then
      		 put 4 into gSeqNum
     	end if

Macintosh PowerBook G-4 OSX 10.3.8, OS 9.2.2, 1.25 GHz, 512MB RAM, Rev 

Advanced Media Group
Thomas J McGrath III
3mcgrath at

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