RunRev and Cookies

sims sims at
Sat Apr 23 00:58:44 EDT 2005

At 3:25 AM +0200 4/23/05, Björnke von Gierke wrote:
>I want to make a standalone app with rev that 
>replaces a web page. Ideally nothing on the 
>server side should be changed, thus I would need 
>to accept, store and send  a cookie. Anyone done 
>this before and able to shed some light on this? 
>I guess I need to change my HTML headers somehow?

I think that the original Revzilla used cookies.
Maybe you can learn something from a copy of that.


btw  -  If you haven't tried Björnke's ChatRev 
you are missing out on something really cool!!

official ChatRev page:

Chat with other RunRev developers:
go stack URL ""

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