Several Text issues

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Fri Apr 22 14:10:41 EDT 2005

Hi Michael,

About your first point about HTML, you might check the html Property in 
the docs and dowload my Encoded Text Picker plugin (from my web site) 
which is a translator from/to HTML and/or UrlEncode.
It will show you *on the fly* the difference between tagged text ant 
*plain* text, then you will understand easily how to specify the right 
tags to build html :-)
And... set the htmlText of fld "MyField" to MyTaggedText

Le 22 avr. 05, à 19:42, michael parent a écrit :

> 1 Cannot see how I set the Htmltext when I am putting the text into the
> field


Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

For institutions, companies and associations
Built-to-order applications: management, multimedia, internet, etc.
Windows, Mac OS and Linux... With the French touch
Web site
Email		eric.chatonet at
Phone		33 (0)1 43 31 77 62
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