Setting print margins

Graham Samuel livfoss at
Fri Apr 22 13:35:09 EDT 2005

On Fri, 22 Apr 2005 08:36:41 -0700, Jim Hurley  
<jhurley at> wrote:
> I am trying to print labels but I can't seem to be able to set the
> left margin to .25". I running Run Rev 2.5 on a Mac  OS X. (I know
> the printer will go there. No trouble using FileMaker.)
> I have tried to set a custom page size in the Page Setup, but Run Rev
> ignores that setting and resets to Letter size.
> Little help, please.
> Jim

Jim I have been bitten by something like this: I didn't realise that  
when you print a card, RunRev prints the image of the entire card or  
pagerect (see the docs on the 'print' command) edge to edge **within**  
the print area which is available on the printer after the margin  
settings have been applied. It doesn't work to create a card which is a  
simulated bit of paper, with white space corresponding to the printer's  
margins around it: if you do this, the white space (margins) on your  
card will be added to the white space which you created by setting the  
margins using Page Setup (if you were lucky enough to find a way of  
doing this) or by setting the printMargins by script.

So if you want the print margins you set to apply with no further white  
space, you have to set the RunRev global property 'printMargins' to  
0.25" or whatever (for example to do a quarter of an inch all round,  
the printMargins need to be set to 18,18,18,18), and print a card (or  
pageRect) where the text starts at the edge of the defined area. I just  
tried this and it worked (OSX).

If this sounds confusing, it is. Roll on better print control from with  
RunRev, proper access to printer drivers and print interfaces that meet  
user expectations (vote for Bugzilla no 1619).

Graham Samuel / The Living Fossil Co. / UK and France

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