Very annoying IDE Problem

Marty Billingsley marty at
Tue Apr 19 08:26:22 EDT 2005

Sarah Reichelt <sarahr at> writes:
> > My students quite often run into stack corruption.  Most of the time it
> > can be traced to their being over their disk quota on the file server
> > we
> > save the stacks to, but sometimes the stacks just corrupt.  I *never*
> > had
> > this problem in ten years of teaching using HyperCard.
> >
> > BTW, it would be *really* nice if RunRev would, as other apps do, give
> > an
> > error message when trying to save to a disk that's over quota, instead
> > of
> > just quietly corrupting the stack beyond recovery.
> >
> When Rev tries to save a stack, it first makes a copy the original with
> a tilde ~ after the name e.g. myStackFile.rev~
> If the save succeeds, the tilde copy is deleted. If the save fails,
> your new stack will be an incomplete file that won't open, but the
> original is there with the tilde attached.
> While I agree that it would be nice if there is a warning (although I
> have never tried checking "the result" after a save), it is easy enough
> to check for the tilde file after a save and see if it exists.

The backup file with the tilde is, in fact, *not* being saved in these
situations where the corruption occurs.  If it were, my students wouldn't
be getting so upset.  I think that the OS isn't allowing any saves
(backup or otherwise) because of the user being over disk quotas, and
RR isn't handling that gracefully.

BTW, we're using xinet on a Sun sparc station to emulate a Mac file
server.  Most likely it's a problem with the communication between
application/OS/file server software.  Sigh.....

  - marty

Marty Billingsley (marty at
The University of Chicago Laboratory Schools

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