page count in PDF files

Ken Ray kray at
Mon Apr 18 17:56:38 EDT 2005

On 4/18/05 3:17 PM, "Robert Brenstein" <rjb at> wrote:

> Does anyone knows or has a code snippet that would allow me to pick
> up the number of pages in a pdf file? I have inspected files from
> different versions of acrobat and there does not seem to be simple
> way to extract it programmatically. But admittedly I haven't seen pdf
> specs for quite a while.

Here you go:

on mouseUp
  answer file "Select a PDF:"
  if it <> "" then
    answer "The number of pages in the selected PDF is:" &&
  end if
end mouseUp

function stsGetNumPDFPages pFile
  put url("file:" & pFile) into tData
  put word 1 to -1 of line 1 of tData into tPDFVersion
  put lineOffset("/Type /Catalog",tData) into tLine
  switch tPDFVersion
  case "%PDF-1.2"
    put line (tLine-1) of tData into tPageMarker
    put line (tLine+1) of tData into tPageMarker
  end switch
  put word 2 of tPageMarker into tObjectNode
  put lineOffset(tObjectNode && "0 obj",tData) into tObjStart
  put lineOffset(">>",tData,tObjStart) + tObjStart into tObjEnd
  put line tObjStart to tObjEnd of tData into tObjBlock
  filter tObjBlock with ("/Count*")
  return (word 2 of tObjBlock)
end stsGetNumPDFPages


Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site:
Email: kray at

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