Replacing Answer/Ask

Derek Bump webmaster at
Tue Apr 12 21:44:31 EDT 2005

 > 1) 200K  Who the heck cares?  What, are you running on a Trash-80?

The reason I care so much about reducing file size is because file size 
can have a lot to do when determining if a program will sink or swim.

Example:  My program, when compressed, comes out to about 1.38 MBs.  In 
today's age that file size is OK, but a lot of people still think in 
terms of life on the internet before broadband.  Those terms were, if 
it's smaller, they'll download it first.

I know that example quite well in that I always download the smallest 
program first.  Nothing makes me squirm more than seeing a program, such 
as an FTP program, with a download size of 8.1 MBs.  With a size that 
big, I'll download the 433 KB ftp program first.

 > 2) If the system is embedded it makes more sense, and then I'm asking
 > about why we can't get the compiler to strip out unneeded code
 > resources for unused commands from the compiled app, too.

I have an enhancement request on BugZilla for this.

Derek Bump
Dreamscape Software
Compress Images Easily with JPEGCompress 2.5

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