Replacing Answer/Ask

Eric Chatonet eric.chatonet at
Tue Apr 12 10:42:59 EDT 2005

Hi Derek,

Answer and Ask dialogs are substacks of the Home stack (License.rev 
Open the Application Browser with the "Revolution UI Elements in Lists" 
item of menu "View" checked.
You can replace them by your own but keep backups :-)

Le 12 avr. 05, à 16:33, Derek Bump a écrit :

> Are the Answer and Ask dialogs built directly into Revolution?
> Would it be possible to replace those dialogs with custom ones?
> For the last few months I've been slowly working on replacements for 
> them in a library, but now I'm finding out that a library is more 
> trouble than it's worth.
> In the end, I'd like to replace both dialogs with my own custom 
> versions.  My reasons for this:  As much fun as custom dialogs are, 
> each dialog adds size to my standalone.  If I can find a way to reduce 
> those sizes, while still keeping dialogs that look standard (no 
> offense Rev) then I've got what I want.

Eric Chatonet.
So Smart Software

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