more strange behavior - some scripts forgotten

MisterX b.xavier at
Mon Apr 11 11:20:21 EDT 2005

 > On Apr 10, 2005 3:47 PM, Byron Turner <byront at> wrote:
> > Almost every object whose script I open asks to apply 
> changes when I 
> > go to close, whether or not there is any script in it or 
> any changes 
> > have been made.  Should I be worried?

This is just the same kind of bugs that annoy me since switching to rev.
Just type control-return or enter twice... Since it's usual to come back to
a script, I just type enter once which saves the script and then SAVE and
the test... 

The other alternative is to use my ControlsN2O plugin - no dialog, and it's
just the fastest editor out there (has no features either ;)! Im coming out
also with an super quick editor to kick some butt and show some real editor
features I've been sitting on for 2 years ;)

> > Scripts that I fixed long ago, seem to be reverting back to earlier 
> > versions.  Example I have a script where I created a global and 
> > another object script uses that global.  When I looked just 
> now, the 
> > first object had no reference to that global or any of the  
> succeeding 
> > script, but the second object retained it.  I opened a previous 
> > version and found the first object's script.

I've seen this a couple times and was wondering what on earth if it wasn't
me! Part of the HotKeyN2O motivation to undo any silly thing... 

> > I've also noted that in my longest script characters take a 
> very long 
> > time to show up . . as much as several seconds after I begin typing.

I dont have that problem unless you use a previous version on HotKeyN2O...
If you do, just deactivate the plugin mode or clear the undo objects
database and lower the undo-events recorded to see. It could just be another
plugin taking your cpu time...


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