Seperate numbers from text

thierry douez at
Wed Apr 6 04:18:44 EDT 2005


DR> Is there a way to seperate numbers from text in a string?
DR> e.g "string69" to return 69 or "string69also" to return 69

try this :

  put "asdfsdfsdf765xcxccxcv123cvccv" into s
  -- erase all numbers
  put replaceText( s, "\d+",  empty ) into r1
  -- erase all text
  put replaceText( s, "[^\d]+",  empty ) into r2
  put "1st replace: " & r1 &cr& "2nd replace: " & r2

In the Doc, you can look at matchText, matchChunk, replace, replaceText,
regular expression,....


DR> Cheers Thanx........

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