Table Field

zack zack at
Mon Apr 4 19:19:47 EDT 2005


I would like it to display like a spreadsheet, With columns and rows
appearing in the cells Instead it is just displaying in one long string.

The fields are delimitated by TAB and the records are makes with a RETURN.

Field1  Field2  field3
etc     etc     etc

But when put myVariable into field "my Table field" I get one long string.
It is not split up into the cells as I expected.

Is Rev looking for different delimiters?


On 4/4/05 4:10 PM, "Frank D. Engel, Jr." <fde101 at> wrote:

> on mouseUp
>    ... set up myVariable ...
>    put myVariable into field "My Table Field"
> end mouseUp
> Can you be more specific about what kind of trouble you are having?

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