Rename Duplicate

Alex Tweedly alex at
Mon Apr 4 08:31:03 EDT 2005

Dwayne Rothe wrote:

>Hi All,
>Trying to find the easiest way to rename a (new)string if it already exists
>in a list!
>If a user tries to add an existing name to a list I want it to be named the
>same but adding a digit to the end.
>e.g Example exists so name new entery to Example(2), Example(2) exists so
>name new to Example(3) e.t.c
>any ideas woold be appreciated thanx.............
Here's a simple function (and test script - you need a field "inField" 
to get the input)

local lList = "ss, tt, ss(1), ss(2),"   -- start with some values 
already there
on mouseUp
  put field "inField" into t
  put generateString(t, lList) & comma after lList
  put "now have " && lList & cr after msg
end mouseUp

function generateString p, pList
  if p is among the items of pList then
    put 1 into i
    repeat while p & "(" & i & ")" is among the items of pList
      add 1 to i
    end repeat
    return p & "(" & i & ")"
    return p
  end if
end generateString

Alex Tweedly

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