Title bar on the side

Varen Swaab varen at veggio.com
Fri Apr 1 02:26:16 EST 2005

I also thought I'd seen this before but I could be wrong. I **could** 
fake it like Jacque's suggestion but dealing with the look and feel on 
both Mac & Win systems would be a real pain and perhaps not very 
convincing. I'd really prefer to have a programmed solution.



On Mar 31, 2005, at 11:17 PM, Scott Rossi wrote:

> Recently, J. Landman Gay  wrote:
>>> I'm trying to create a small palette window that has a title bar on 
>>> the
>>> left side (rather than the top) and I can't figure out how. I didn't 
>>> see
>>> any mention of this anywhere in the instructions. Does anyone have 
>>> info
>>> on whether this is possible?
>> It isn't built-in, but it would be pretty easy to fake, I think. Take 
>> a
>> screen shot of a system window that has the drag bar you want, and 
>> use a
>> graphics program to extract just the drag bar area. Import the image
>> into a Rev stack and place it at the left edge of the stack. Then 
>> script
>> the image with a mousedown handler that sets the location of the stack
>> to the location of the mouse, adjusted to global coordinates.
> You know, I could swear I did the above at some point, and going back
> through the archives, I found a reference to setting the decorations 
> of a
> stack to a numerical value.  Doing this in OSX works but there doesn't
> appear to be a palette style with vertical drag strip, so this must 
> have
> worked only on pre-OSX systems.
> Jacque's right, though, you could create your own drag strip image to
> achieve the effect.
> Regards,
> Scott Rossi
> Creative Director
> Tactile Media, Multimedia & Design
> -----
> E: scott at tactilemedia.com
> W: http://www.tactilemedia.com
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