Puzzler (why does this error?)

Klaus Major klaus at major-k.de
Fri Sep 24 14:08:57 EDT 2004

Hi inspir, or may i call you Geoff? ;-)

> This line executed in the message box:
> put the allowKeyInField of field id 1008 of card id 1002 of stack 
> "Untitled 1"
> produces this error:
> Message execution error:
> Error description: Handler: can't find handler
> While this line executed in the message box:
> put the visible of field id 1008 of card id 1002 of stack "Untitled 1"
> simply puts true
> Any ideas?

Yup, it's a keyword :-)

I has no effect and is included in Transcript for compatibility with 
SuperCard projects.

> regards,
> Geoff Canyon
> gcanyon at inspiredlogic.com

Best from germany

Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de

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