player not playing mp3 files

Chris Sheffield revlist at
Thu Sep 23 17:28:33 EDT 2004

Can anyone think of any reason why a player object would not play certain
mp3 files on certain machines?

Here's the scoop.  I've got a customer who has three brand new computers
running Windows XP sp2.  He has two other computers that are older Windows
machines (not sure of the exact version of Windows).  Our application runs
great on the two older machines.  But on the three new ones, he does not
hear certain audio files when they should be playing.  Those machines have
the latest version of Windows Media Player, but not QuickTime.  The audio
files that he is not hearing were installed to the hard drive during an
installation process.  The audio files play fine with WMP outside of our
application.  Other audio files, which get read from a database and
temporarily written to disk, play just fine within the application.

What gives?  Does anyone have any ideas at all?  I'm stumped.  I told them
to try installing QuickTime just to see.  I think they were willing to try
that.  I haven't heard back yet, but I'm curious as to what might be the
cause.  The only difference is that the files that don't play were encoded
using iTunes, while the others were encoded using Sonic Foundry's Sound
Forge.  Both are 56Kbps at 44100 Hz.  But why would they play fine outside
of the app, and not within it?


Chris Sheffield
Software Development
Read Naturally

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