Reveal file on Windows

Trevor DeVore lists at
Wed Sep 22 16:05:27 EDT 2004

I was looking through the archives to find out how to reveal a file on 
Windows and have it selected in Win Explorere but didn't find anything 
on it.  After querying my good friend Google about it I came across 
this.  To reveal a file on Windows you can use pass commands to 

explorer.exe /select, "c:\Path to my file\myFile.txt"

This would open windows explorer with the file myFile.txt selected.  
I've tested this on Win XP so far and it works great.  I can test on 
some other platforms later on to see if this breaks and my joy was for 
naught but if anyone wants to play around with it here are two 
functions for cross-platform opening a folder and revealing a file.

  * Opens a folder on the desktop. (Modified from Ken Ray's example)
  * @param  pPath	Path to folder to open.
on libSys_OpenFolder pPath
	switch (the platform)
		case "Win32"
			replace "/" with "\" in pPath
			set the hideConsoleWindows to true
			get shell("explorer.exe /root,"& quote & pPath & quote)
	case "MacOS"
		if the systemVersion >= 10 then
			get shell("open " & quote & pPath & quote)
			put "tell application " & quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & \
				"activate" & cr & \
				"open folder " & quote & revMacFromUnixPath(pPath) & quote & cr & \
				"end tell" into tScript
			do tScript as AppleScript
		end if
	end switch
end libSys_OpenFolder

  * Opens a window with the file selected.
on libSys_RevealFile pPath
   	switch (the platform)
   		case "Win32"
   			replace "/" with "\" in pPath
			set the hideConsoleWindows to true
			get shell("explorer.exe /select,"& quote & pPath & quote)			
   	case "MacOS"
     		put "tell application " & quote & "Finder" & quote & cr & \
				"activate" & cr & \
				"reveal file " & quote & revMacFromUnixPath(pPath) & quote & cr & \
				"end tell" into tScript
     		do tScript as AppleScript
   	end switch
end libSys_RevealFile

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