Send a message to all controls on a card

Frank D. Engel, Jr. fde101 at
Thu Sep 16 17:44:18 EDT 2004

Yeah, there was...

I realized later what the problem was; that code never got executed. I 
just completely missed the fact that mouseUp was not sent when the 
pointer tool was active.

Thank you for looking at that though!

On Sep 16, 2004, at 5:28 PM, Ken Ray wrote:

> On 9/16/04 11:53 AM, "Frank D. Engel, Jr." <fde101 at> wrote:
>> I am trying to send a message to all controls on the current card.  I
>> tried several things, ultimately ended up with this:
>>    repeat with c = 1 to the number of controls of this card
>>      send "moveControl" to control c of this card
>>    end repeat
>> And it still doesn't work.  Does anyone know how I can do this, or 
>> what
>> might be wrong with the above code?
> Frank, I don't know why this wouldn't work for you... I used a minor
> variation of what you have and it worked for me. I created a card with 
> three
> buttons each with a different script to trap the message "hello".
> I then coded the card script to say:
> on doit
>   repeat with c = 1 to the number of controls of this card
>     send "hello" to control c of this card
>   end repeat
> end doit
> and then typed "doit" in the message box, and all three buttons 
> responded
> appropriately.
> Perhaps there's something else getting in the way?
> Ken Ray
> Sons of Thunder Software
> Web site:
> Email: kray at
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Frank D. Engel, Jr.  <fde101 at>

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