unix man pages (+ Drag & Drop Revisited)
william griffin
bill at igame3d.com
Wed Sep 15 05:11:51 EDT 2004
Try this if you will:
put shell("man" && "sh") -- or whatever unix command you desire
Whats the secret of the hideous mmmaaannn formatting?
I found a GUI man page viewer or two, but they open and bring
themselves to front,
not the solution I was looking for.
Well maybe I could figure out the formatting structure and parse it
from this
put shell("cd" && "/usr/share/man/man1/"& return & "more" && "sh.1" )
Also Thanks for the drag and drop info, I finally found those mails
buried in my inbox,
and tried Klaus' plug in for a quick check oh how it works. Looking
forward to digging in deeper
Reposted below for anyone who slept through class. :-)
Message: 24
Date: Sat, 11 Sep 2004 18:00:45 -0500
From: Ken Ray <kray at sonsothunder.com>
Subject: Re: Drag & Drop
On 9/11/04 12:59 PM, "william griffin" <bill at igame3d.com> wrote:
While we are on the subject, how does one manage to add
drag to from desktop application functionality to rev based
application icons and stacks?
What are you trying to drag from "outside" into Revolution? Text,
... ?
Text and Images would be a start, 3D models would an eventuality.
OK. Here we go:
First of all, you should be able to drag raw text from another
to a Rev field automatically with no special setup or intervention
However, if you want to drag text files into a field and have the
of the text file be put into the field, you can do this:
(script of field)
on dragEnter
set the acceptDrop to true
pass dragEnter
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
put the dragData["files"] into tFileList
if tFileList <> "" then
put url("file:" & (line 1 of tFileList)) into me
end if
end dragDrop
Now the script above makes a number of assumptions: (1) that if the user
were dragging multiple files, that you only care about the first one,
(2) that the file being dropped is actually a text file.
Let's deal with these one at a time:
(1) The dragData["files"] contains a return-delimited list of full
paths to
files that are being dragged into Revolution. You could certainly do a
repeat loop through the files to find what you want, or alert the user
there was more than one (the number of lines of the dragData["files"]
(2) This is where Rev kind of breaks down. There's no quick way to
what the type of file being dropped *is*, although there is a laborious
(which I'll detail below after we talk about images). However you could
something simple, like assume the text file needs to have a .txt
and do a "filter" on the dragData["files"] on ".txt", as in:
put the dragData["files"] into tFiles
filter tFiles with "*.txt"
Suppose you wanted to drag a graphic from disk into an image object.
This is
very similar to the text example above.
on dragEnter
set the acceptDrop to true
pass dragEnter
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
put the dragData["files"] into tFileList
if tFileList <> "" then
set the fileName of me to (line 1 of tFileList)
end if
end dragDrop
This assumes (1) that you have an image object already created into
you want to drag the image file from disk, and (2) that if the user were
dragging multiple files, that you only care about the first one, and (3)
that the file being dropped is actually an image file.
Assumption Comments:
(1) You might have an empty image (perhaps through "create image") or a
pre-existing one. If you set the lockLocation of the image to TRUE, the
incoming image would be scaled up/down to fit the rect of the image
If the lockLocation of the image is FALSE, the image object would be
to fit the rect of the incoming image. I would recommend turning on the
border and turning off the 3D if you want to have an image "drop
Now perhaps you don't want to have a pre-existing image object, but just
want to import the image when it is dropped on "the card". You can do it
this by having only a single object (it doesn't have to be an image)
that is
the size of the card and is transparent (like a button) that has this
on dragEnter
set the acceptDrop to true
pass dragEnter
end dragEnter
on dragDrop
put the dragData["files"] into tFileList
if tFileList <> "" then
create image
set the fileName of it to (line 1 of tFileList)
end if
end dragDrop
Same basic assumptions apply as the earlier code, and of course you
want to size the image object and lock it first, like:
create image
set the rect of it to 200,200,400,400
set the lockLocation of it to true
set the fileName of it to (line 1 of tFileList)
You get the idea.
Now we get to the fun part - the way to determine if the file(s) being
dropped are OK for the field/image/etc. Here's an example of how to
bring in
text files ONLY for a field, which BTW concatenates the text from all
dropped on the field (watch the line wraps):
on dragEnter
if hasTextFiles(the dragData["files"]) then
set the acceptDrop to true
focus me
end if
end dragEnter
function hasTextFiles pFileList
-- assumes all files are from the same folder, looks for
-- any file that is a text file
-- If found, sets a custom prop to be used during the drop
-- looks for both file extension and type of file
put the directory into tOldDir
set the itemDel to "/"
put "" into tTextFiles
repeat for each line tFile in pFileList
if tTextFiles = "" then
put tFile into tDir
delete item -1 of tDir
if tDir = "" then put "/" into tDir -- happens at root
set the directory to tDir
put the detailed files into tFiles
replace "," with "/" in tFiles
end if
put lineOffset(cr& urlEncode(item -1 of tFile)&"/",cr&tFiles) into
if tLine <> 0 then -- which should always be the case
if the number of items of (line tLine of tFiles) = 10 then
-- no type/creator
put "" into tTypeCreator
put item -1 of line tLine of tFiles into tTypeCreator
end if
if (char -4 to -1 of tTypeCreator = "TEXT") or \
(char -4 to -1 of tFile = ".txt") then put tFile & \
cr after tTextFiles
end if
end repeat
set the directory to tOldDir
delete last char of tTextFiles
set the uTextFiles of me to tTextFiles
return (tTextFiles <> "")
end hasTextFiles
on dragDrop
put the uTextFiles of me into tFiles
repeat for each line tFile in tFiles
put me & url ("file:" & tFile) & cr into me
end repeat
end dragDrop
You can extend this model for checking for images, etc.
Hope this helps,
Ken Ray
Sons of Thunder Software
Web site: http://www.sonsothunder.com/
Email: kray at sonsothunder.com
From: Klaus Major <klaus at major-k.de>
Subject: Re: Drag & Drop
Another solution is to download my famous :-) "2lz2" palette, check the
create a new stack with that palette and check its script :-)
I provide a generic D'n'D script there :-)
Get it here http://www.major-k.de/revstart.html:
Best from germany
Klaus Major
klaus at major-k.de
Thanks again.
Mr Bill
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