Problems with closeField

Frank D. Engel, Jr. fde101 at
Tue Sep 14 09:25:10 EDT 2004

On Sep 14, 2004, at 7:39 AM, JonathanC at wrote:
> on keydown k
>   if charToNum(k) is among the words of "3 8 9 13 28 29 30 31"
>     then pass keyDown
>   put k into selection
> end keydown
> Typing into the field produces completely normal behaviour: arrowkeys, 
> the
> deletekey and backspace key are passed, and everything else is handled 
> by
> the line "put k into selection". But when you click out of the field, 
> NO
> closeField message is sent.

The arrow keys, delete key, and backspace key are non-printable 
characters.  They will never be sent via keyDown anyway, they trigger 
their own messages instead.  You could likely trap them with 
rawKeyDown, but it might be better to just ignore them -- that is what 
this code will do anyway.

If the code says to "put k into selection", why not just "pass 
keyDown"?  Then there is no reason for this handler to begin with?  I 
will assume that this is just an example to demonstrate a problem you 
are having elsewhere with your code, could you be more specific about 
what you hope to accomplish by trapping the keys here?

If you really want to do this, then an example of a rewrite might be:

on openField
   put empty
   set the modified of me to false
end openField

on keyDown k
   put k into selection
   set the modified of me to true
end keyDown

on closeField
   put "Field changed."
end closeField

on exitField
   if the modified of me then put "Field changed."
end exitField

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