Add, delete and edit cards to a stack via CGI

J. Landman Gay jacque at
Fri Sep 10 01:08:25 EDT 2004

On 9/9/04 8:00 PM, Gregory Lypny wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Jacqueline's Fiction Search example uses a text script cgi to search a 
> stack and display the results.  Is it possible for users to add, delete, 
> and records in a similar database-like stack by posting from a web 
> form?  My intuition tells me that the answer to this is no because that 
> would involve GUI commands such as Create Card, Delete Card, and Save 
> Stack (permissions).  Am I correct?

I can create and delete cards, but I can't save the stack. Regardless of 
the permissions set for the stack or where it is placed, the engine 
needs to create a temporary backup file, and it can't do that. Or at 
least, I can't make it do that. I also tried putting the save command in 
a closestack handler in the stack's script (didn't work,) as well as a 
custom handler that the cgi calls, but that doesn't work either.

Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
HyperActive Software           |

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