Suppress Messages Bug

Dan Shafer revdan at
Tue Sep 7 21:40:49 EDT 2004

Good idea, Jacque! I wish I'd thought of it before I'd spent a half 
hour trying to command-period fast enough to beat Rev. (That wasn't 


On Sep 7, 2004, at 6:07 PM, J. Landman Gay wrote:

> On 9/7/04 7:06 PM, Dan Shafer wrote:
>> I painted myself into an amateur corner with a stack that had an 
>> openStack handler that did some things that turned out not to be 
>> good. I figured it was no big deal; I could just suppress messages 
>> and then load the stack and edit the stupid script.
>> Wrong.
>> I cannot get the suppress messages button in the toolbar to work in 
>> 2.5 on OS X or Windows. I click it, load my stack, the openStack 
>> handler executes. I tried typing "lock messages" in the message box. 
>> Same result. I created a one-button stack that did a "lock messages" 
>> and then tried a "set the lockMessages to true." Same result in all 
>> cases.
>> The only way I saved my life was finally I was able to hit 
>> command-period quickly enough on my OS X system to disrupt the script 
>> before it could misbehave.
> This doesn't address the "suppress messages" problem, but next time 
> try this in the message box:
>  lock messages;edit script of this stack
> Include the semicolon, unless you are in the multi-line message box, 
> in which case make it 2 lines. Substitute whatever object script needs 
> editing.
> -- 
> Jacqueline Landman Gay         |     jacque at
> HyperActive Software           |
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