Who is chuck yeager? (OT)

Alex Tweedly alex at tweedly.net
Sun Sep 5 14:33:13 EDT 2004

At 10:40 05/09/2004 -0700, Geoff Canyon wrote:

>This seems like the perfect opportunity to extoll the virtues of a web
>site I found recently:
>It's a free site that takes long urls and provides a permanent redirect
>based on a much shorter url. You just paste the long url into the form,
>hit submit, and out pops the short alternative. So, for example, the
>picture linked below can now also be reached at:
>It's one of those things that in retrospect seems so obvious.

There's also snipurl.com
They do the same thing, but allow you to choose a meaningful short url to 
use - much nicer, imho.

But please, do also put the real url into any email, so that if those 
services disappear sometime in the future, the archive still allows readers 
to reach the site you want.

-- Alex.

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