Playing Card Library
Sarah Reichelt
sarahr at
Thu Sep 2 22:58:33 EDT 2004
Hi Dave,
I did some of this years ago in HyperCard and although I don't have any
functions lying around, I do have a couple suggestions:
While graphics are nice, you can always use the Symbol font to get the
4 card suits. I think others have these too.
For shuffling, the method I used was to build a list of all the cards
and sort them using something like:
sort lines of tCardList by random(10000)
This means you can just take the card at the top of the list every time
you deal a card and you don't have to worry about getting the same card
Jacque Gay has a Klondike game made in MetaCard (available through
RevNet), which might give you some pointers.
On 3 Sep 2004, at 1:11 am, Dave LeYanna wrote:
> Does anyone have a set of playing card game functions? Things like
> shuffle,deal (52 card deck), perhaps royalty-free images? I am
> creating a
> card game tutorial (for commercial use) and will be needing to write
> there
> myself and just wondered if anyone has already done this and wants to
> make a
> buck or two...
> Thanks
> Dave
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