Why 10 hours for a newbie and 30 days for a "programmer"

Keith Hutchison keith.hutchison at balance-infosystems.com
Thu Sep 2 14:55:40 EDT 2004

This email should of referenced dreamcard instead of Runtime Revolution
The name change is confusing, for me.

With  Express, which I was just about to buy when the store went down,
I knew it had all the functionality _I_ wanted, compiled an executable,
which was something I wanted, and advertised Runtime Revolution every time
it quit as a nag to upgrade to studio, which I felt was a fair enough.

Is there an upgrade path from DreamCard to Runtime Studio?
The message I sent to runtime rev was bounced with a polite message to
address all such queries to support at runrev.com.
Why not just change the name across the board, DreamCard, DreamStudio and
DreamEnterprise, which implies an upgrade path.

> Exactly :-)
> > Because it's in Rev's best interest that they learn to use *their*
> > instead of somebody else's...
> >
> > Judy
> >
> > On Wed, 1 Sep 2004, Dan Shafer wrote:
> >
> > > If they have _no_ skills or background training in software but want
> > > learn, why should they learn for free?
> Let me state that I prefer REALbasic to Runtime Revolution.
> My graphic artist prefers Runtime Revolution to REALbasic
> I am off to train another graphic artist in the use of REALbasic next
> I have asked 'my' graphic artist to evaluate Runtime Revolution _before_
> I go. I figure that if one graphic art's person prefers Runtime Revolution
> then the chances are high that another might. I don't care which one they
> use, as long as they are weaned off Filemaker :-) and can access the
> postgreql backend.
> Let's hope he can give me a recommendation _before_ the ten hours is up.
> Keith Hutchison
> Balance-Infosystems.Com
> postgresql - mysql - dbf
> Foxpro - Delphi - MS Access - REALbasic
> http://balance-infosystems.com http://realopen.org
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